A photographic dive into scientific, environmental, and geopolitical challenges of our time, from 15 March to 15 April on EPFL campus.
In the Aqaba fortress, the Voices of the Reef exhibition raises awareness about Red Sea corals conservation through art.
Red Sea corals on the forefront of the 4th Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipation Summit, held at CERN from 9 to 11 Oct 2024.
Some 100 guests attended the event co-organized by the TRSC and the Diplomatic Club of Geneva as part of the photo exhibition on Quai Wilson
Photo exhibition on Red Sea “reefs of hope” and TRSC’s missions in Djibouti visible on Quai Wilson in Geneva until Sept 3.
Eritrea joins the list of Red Sea countries subscribing to the TRSC's initiative in favor of the conservation of coral reefs.
In Djibouti, the TRSC briefed Federal Councilor Ignacio Cassis on the progress of the initiative launched in March 2019
Discover the new tool developed by TRSC’s partner Prof Devis Tuia and his team at EPFL, now being implemented in the Red Sea
The TRSC and its partners from Djibouti and Sudan conducted a coral mission in the Seven Brothers archipelago, in November
The TRSC took part a workshop on the Red Sea organized by the Arab League for Educational, Cultural and Science Organization
You liked the photos on the educational workshop organised in Djibouti on Red Sea coral ecosystems? Now enjoy the video!
Discover the last episode of the photo report illustrating the education & outreach workshop organised in Djibouti in April.
Discover the third episode of a photo report illustrating the education and outreach workshop organised in Djibouti in April.
Discover the next episode of a photo report illustrating the education and outreach workshop organised in Djibouti in April.
Discover the first episode of a photo report illustrating the education and outreach workshop organised in Djibouti in April.
Some 25,000 visitors attend the two-day event, on 29 and 30 April. Among the highlights: the research on Red Sea corals.
Visit the photo exhibit and attend the conference on Red Sea corals on 29-30 April 2023 as part of EPFL Open Days.
Some 70 guests attend the event organized by the TRSC at the Monaco Yacht Club, on Monday 20th March
The TRSC was invited by the Swiss Jordanian Business Club in Amman to talk about Red Sea corals conservation.
Watch the full film of the mission to Djibouti last September with TRSC’s local and regional partners.
Mission accomplished in the Gulf of Tadjoura where reefs demonstrate resistance to global warming at peak temperature.
Long-term vision and spirit of regional collaboration at the heart of the kick-off event of the new mission in Djibouti.
Samplings in Israeli and Jordanian waters: a milestone to the first ever Red Sea-wide coral ecosystem and biodiversity ‘baseline’.
Team spirit grows stronger between mission’s participants, all committed to the conservation of Red Sea corals.
Field work is on for TRSC’s team and its partners from the Marine Science Station and the Red Sea University in Port Sudan.
Now online: the conference on Red Sea corals: when science and diplomacy converge to address climate change and regional stability
Bridging not only science and diplomacy, but also Lausanne EPFL-based Transnational Red Sea Center and International Geneva
18 May conference in Geneva: when science and diplomacy converge to address climate change and regional stability
The Transnational Red Sea Center hosted an event at the 5th edition of the Monaco Ocean Week in the presence of 70 guests.
The Swiss initiative to save the last coral “refuge” on Earth will be presented in March at the Monaco Ocean Week
Listen to the interview of Prof Meibom at the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) inaugural summit in October.
Inspiring interview of Prof Meibom on corals, the Red Sea and the necessity of science diplomacy to preserve them.
Prof Anders Meibom, director of the Transnational Red Sea Center, one of the speakers at GESDA summit on 9 October.
The TRSC and the Red Sea University carried out a series of observations along the Sudanese coast prior to the 2022 expedition.
Switzerland's new Special Representative for Science Diplomacy, Alexandre Fasel, interviewed in Le Temps
An «invitation to disaster for globally important corals» about the recent pipeline deal
First days at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat pier
Watch the video of the official launch of the first expedition season
The Swiss daily newspaper Le Temps special envoy joins the Transnational Red Sea in Aqaba, Jordan
«Swiss researchers investigate the coral miracle of Aqaba», writes newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Swiss sailboat Fleur de Passion arrived safely in Aqaba, Jordan, on June 10th after a six-week navigation
The Red Sea - and the rescue of the FSO Safer - is in dire need of dialogue
While «the coral reefs of the world have taken a lot of abuse lately», says Wired
Geneva Solutions’ article helps refresh our understanding on what corals are
No, Red Sea corals are not like other corals and that’s why they deserve sustained attention
French national daily newspaper Figaro relates the latest study on Red Sea
Discover the ceremony organized in Seville at the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation
A new research gives additional insight into the specific genetic factors that allow Red Sea corals to survive
Transnational Red Sea Center and the launch to come from Jordan in June of its first season of expedition
Interview on Swiss national radio RTS with Prof. Anders Meibom from EPFL
In Seville, « Switzerland swells the sails of its scientific diplomacy», writes Swiss daily newspaper Le Temps
The departure of Fleur de Passion for the Red Sea was the subject of a series of events organised in Seville
Ambassador Alexandre Fasel’s mission will be to strengthen Geneva's role as a digital governance hub
Published in French magazine OrientXXI, yet another dramatic reminder of Safer tanker
This BBC feature draws a particularly complete and in-depth picture of what is at stake
A major discovery helps explain the symbiotic relationship between corals and algae
The official launch of the Transnational Red Sea Center in March 2019 in the Swiss federal capital Bern
The Transnational Red Sea Center is a scientific research center created in 2019 at the Ecole Polytechnique fédérale in Lausanne (EPFL) with the official support of the Swiss Foreign Ministry. An independent and not-for-profit organization, the Center capitalizes on Switzerland’s neutrality, its longstanding tradition of promoting dialogue and its reputation for scientific excellence in order to bridge science and diplomacy for the future of coral reefs. In the Red Sea and beyond.
From 2022 to 2025, the Transnational Red Sea Center is planning a series of scientific expeditions along the Red Sea coastlines, as the first phase of its long-term vision. These expeditions which will also include outreach activities at the regional and global level are to take place over the summers of 2022-2025, when the water temperature in the region is at its highest. Their ambition is to progressively cover the ca. 4’500 km coastline of the eight Red Sea countries: Egypt, Eritrea, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, and Djibouti.
Since the early 2010s, pioneering scientific studies have gradually revealed to the world the excep-tional resistance of the corals of the Gulf of Aqaba (and by extension the Red Sea) to climate change, due to their specific genetics. The origins of this unique characteristic, which makes the Red Sea the last ‘refuge’ for corals in the world, lie in the fact that Red Sea corals have progres-sively and very slowly recolonised this environment, which became a sea again at the end of the last Ice Age, from the Indian Ocean. In their slow northward migration, they have gradually adaptedto the extreme temperature conditions that prevail in the Bab el-Mandeb, the strait that separates the Red Sea from the Indian Ocean.
Since these initial studies, many others have undertaken to better understand a phenomenon of colossal significance for the entire planet, at a time when corals are disappearing on a massive scale everywhere but the Red Sea due to rising temperatures and ocean acidification.